The Bowring Park Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, was established in 1995 and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.  Its mandate is to assist the City of St. John’s in the restoration, conservation, beautification and development of Bowring Park.


The Foundation

The Foundation’s Honorary Patron was Derrick Bowring, the last Chair of Bowring Brothers’ Ltd which was the firm that gifted the park to the city. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and its mandate is to assist the City of St. John’s in the preservation, restoration, and development of Bowring Park. Over the past 25 years, the Foundation has worked diligently to offer patrons leisure and recreational activities and to make the park more accessible and inclusive.



Sheri Wicks (Chair), Gaylynne Gulliver (Vice-Chair), Susan Squires (Treasurer), Councillor Tom Davis (City of St. John’s Council Representative), Jessica Foley (City of St. John’s Staff Representative)


Tammy Davis, Jackie Evans, Steve French, Kerry Hatfield, Fraser Piccott, Chris Whelan, Darlene Ryan

View past board of directors

At a time when restraints and cutbacks have become the norm, it is gratifying to be part of an organization that is striving to grow and prosper in its quest to build on what has been called the “jewel in the crown” of St. John’s

— Keith Coombs, White Swan Club Newsletter, Fall 1995